Countdown to Bucket Wars: The Retrn

Bucket Wars Rules

Bucket Wars is a game similar to CTF: 2 teams, 2 bases, etc. The goal of the game is to bring the opponent’s flag to your flag or to get all of the opponent’s players out

Each player wears a belt of Velcro. To three specific spots on the belt, two small player flags of the player’s color is attached. A player who’s flag gets stolen (ripped off the Velcro) cannot steal any flags until he/she gets a new flag from a friendly, active bucket.

Each team has one bucket man.

The Bucket Man carries buckets of flags from his team’s home base to the chalk circles in the field. The BM has a flag on his/her Velcro belt just like any other player. If this flag is taken, he/she must get a new one from a bucket he/she has already placed.

If no buckets have been placed when the BM’s flag is stolen, no more buckets can be placed and the BM’s team cannot respawn.

The BM has a pouch/backpack with bucket flags that can revive buckets. BM’s can steal enemy inactive buckets and bring them back to his/her base.

Each team also has one Jimmy.

The Jimmy is just like any other player, only he has one special ability: he is the only player who can deactivate buckets by stealing the bucket flags. The Jimmy cannot handle any buckets—his only special ability is stealing the flags on the buckets.

In order to secure a respawn point, a team’s BM must bring a bucket and put it on the designated chalk circle. After this is done, players on the team that has captured the RP can retrieve flags from the placed bucket upon having their personal flag stolen.

Each bucket has a small “bucket flag” attached to its rim. If the bucket flag is stolen (by the Jimmy), the RP is considered inactive; players cannot retrieve flags from the RP bucket. This condition continues until one of the following things happens:

1. The team whose bucket flag has been stolen has its BM replace the bucket flag, reviving the RP.
2. The enemy team’s BM steals the bucket, leading to a blank chalk circle that can be claimed by either team with a bucket.

Each team has a limited amount of buckets. When the buckets run out, no more RP’s can be secured by the team’s BM.

Flag capture rules:

A player holding a flag cannot take opposing players’ personal flags. If a player holding a flag has his/her flag stolen, he/she must drop the flag and retrieve a new personal flag from a friendly RP bucket before continuing to carry the flag.

If a team’s flag is not present in its initial designated zone, that team’s BM cannot retrieve buckets from base.

In order to win by flag capture, both flags must be held at one base (one in each of the two initially designated spots).

Bucket capture rules:

The BM can take enemy inactive buckets back to his/her team base. Once at the base, these buckets are stolen, and cannot be retrieved by the enemy.

If a BM’s personal flag is stolen while he/she is carrying a bucket, the bucket must be dropped. A bucket that is on the playing field and not on an RP can be taken by either team’s BM—either to steal the bucket or to place it on an RP.